We’re different from other Charlotte financial advisors
At Abiding Wealth Advisors, we’re about more than helping you save, invest and manage your money.
That’s a big part of what we do, but we serve a higher purpose because we define wealth differently than other Charlotte financial advisors.
What Is Wealth?
For us, wealth is much more than money. It is an abundance of all of the resources—material, emotional, intellectual and spiritual– that enable us to positively impact the lives of others.
Net worth is one component of wealth, but not the ultimate gauge of success; the true measure of wealth is our ability to make a positive difference for others, so they in turn can pay it forward for future generations.
What Is Abiding Wealth?
Abiding wealth is abundance multiplied over generations. It enriches others beyond our lifetime because it lives on after us in the lives and actions of those we influenced and the lives they, in turn, affect.
Time changes all things; nothing physical lasts forever. Our impact on others is the only true legacy any of us has.
That is the source of abiding wealth, and that is what we as Charlotte financial advisors ultimately seek to help you achieve.